
I started using Kubuntu 15.04 around five months back and recently I 
encountered a problem when I updated my graphics driver[1]. Currently I’ve 
Nvidia 860M Graphics driver in my Lenovo Y50-70 laptop. I tried [2] and even 
tried updating and upgrading the whole system by logging in through tty1 using 
' sudo apt-get update/upgrade'  using the LAN cable but then it didn’t work. 
The screen says blank for a long time and after that I've to forcefully turn it 
off. I then tried the following commands in tty1- 
rm -r ~/.kde
rm -r ~/.cache
rm -r ~/.config/plasmarc and then 

Then I tried editing the boot up option as in one of the links which was 
editing the ‘/etc/default/grub’ file and changed the 
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=“quiet splash nomodeset” and then saved the file and 
the ran ’sudo update-grub’ but still it turned out to be unsuccessful.  

So the next option which I found was reinstalling the whole version but then 
it’d cost me a lot since I’m working on it. 

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1432171 
[2] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2275603 

With Regards,
Gokul Krishna P
Blog <https://goks107.wordpress.com/> | LinkedIn 
<https://in.linkedin.com/pub/gokul-krishna/b9/69b/553> | Github 

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