On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Olivier Churlaud <oliv...@churlaud.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm coming here with this observation: the wiki are quite a mess. And very
> often KDE4 and KF5 things are mixed.
> That everyone do it at their scale is impossible. That's why I have a
> proposition. (I've thought about it for a while)
> It would be easier to do this like in a sprint, in team.
> 1) Define what structure the wiki should have: What is techbase? What is
> Community? Are the manuals in Userbase or on doc? and so on
> 2) then take each page and order => Archive KDE4 | Mess | KF5 | To remove
> 3) Do a list of what is missing and what should be tidied.
> 4) Write to the corresponding teams so that they take care of it.
> 5) Remove what should be
> What I mean in 2) is: for example there are N pages about how to configure
> Git. We take the good one, put the other in a namespace "To remove"
> What I mean in 4) is: for example in https://community.kde.org/Sonnet, it's
> very old, and not much documented (sorry if some of you are reading this, I
> pick it randomly), so we can put a mail on the ML and tell them 'well we saw
> that...'
> Basically this is my vision of what could be done.
> Since I don't always know what is old what is still usable and so on, people
> with this knowledge would be required.
> I think we should plan it very carefully, to have a battle plan, and then
> go.
> What do you think?
> Would people be interested to give a hand?
> How and when do we begin?
> Cheers
> Olivier

Sounds good to me! And I certainly would be willing to help, whether
remotely or at a physical sprint.


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