În ziua de Wednesday 09 December 2015, la 21:40:50, Olivier Churlaud a scris:
> So joining in CERN would be easier.
> I have several small questions:
> - In https://sprints.kde.org/sprint/participate what should we check?
> WikiToLearn?

I'm also very interested in this. I think that we should also work on making 
pages easier to find, like having them in a search engine, or have them indexed 
by Google. I think we already have this, but it could use some improvement.

Has the date been decided? Will it take place together with the WTL sprint at 

*Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan*
Kubuntu Romania Representative[2]
_Kubuntu Council Member_

[1] http://ovidiu.geekaliens.com
[2] http://kubuntu.org

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