El Tuesday 22 December 2015, a les 21:22:15, Robby Stephenson va escriure:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
> > El Monday 21 December 2015, a les 22:17:05, Robby Stephenson va escriure:
> > > Hi all,
> > > 
> > > Tellico uses the org.kde.FavIcon DBus interface for showing some icons
> > > for websites that provide data APIs. The same interface appears to be
> > > used in KIO::favIconForUrl(). But unless I'm missing something, that
> > > interface is part of libkonq which is (yet) unreleased for KF5 and
> > > Konqueror itself is unmaintained.
> > > 
> > > Please correct me if I'm wrong. Is there potentially a release planned
> > > for libkonq?
> > > 
> > > If not, I'm trying to figure out alternatives. I'd hate to write my own
> > > component for downloading and caching favicons. I could grab the libkonq
> > > code and put it in Tellico, but that would be a last resort. Any
> > > suggestions?
> > 
> > You step up and coordinate the release of libkonq for KF5 (which would be
> > the
> > same work as grabbing the code and putting it  in Tellico but would
> > benefit
> > the wider world and not only you)
> Sure, I'm willing! How do I know if I have thick enough skin to be a
> library maintainer? :) Anyone want to volunteer to be a mentor for me? I
> disagree that it would be the same amount of work, but I'm willing to do
> the extra...

Great :)

> A couple of items quickly come to mind:
> * I barely know how to release an application. Library release and
> maintenance brings additional needs (binary compatibility, soname
> management, etc.) about which I barely know enough to know that I don't
> know.

I didn't know how to release stuff a while back either, now i release KDE 
Applications every month, it's not hard, just needs learning by doing and 
people answering your questions.

> * Konqueror is unmaintained. Should libkonq even be a separate release?
> Bringing in the small amount of code from libkonq/favicons to KIO seems
> like a feasible approach. I'm willing to test and fix bugs there, too.

This is a great question, having a quick look at the code, seems the libkonq/
favicons code is pretty isolated and doesn't depend at all on the rest of the 
libkonq code. Can you confirm?

If that's correct and KIO indeed needs/uses this kded it may make sense to 
move it over there (i don't know much about frameworks/KIO either so may be 

> * Is this the appropriate mailing list for the discussion or should it go
> to kde-frameworks-devel?

Probably yes, it may make more sense to approach it as "libkonq release" but 
as "KIO::favIconForUrl doesn't work because the kded is unreleased".


> Robby

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