On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:22 PM, Ralf Habacker <ralf.habac...@freenet.de> wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Ralf,

> a few weeks ago, KDE sysadmin requests has been switched to
> phabricator.  After that I filed a tar ball move request for umbrello
> for windows 2.19.3 release (https://phabricator.kde.org/T3391) which has
> been released one day later.  The following tar ball move request for
> umbrello 2.20.0 (https://phabricator.kde.org/T3455) has not been
> released for two weeks now.
> Does anyone have an idea what's going wrong ?

The task you entered was filed incorrectly - we never even saw it.
Additionally, you've emailed kde-devel@kde.org rather than
sysad...@kde.org, so I only saw this because i'm a subscriber. Chances
are at least one of the sysadmins isn't subscribed to this list.

Phabricator tracks much more than Sysadmin tasks, so you have to tag
them with #Sysadmin if creating tasks through the normal "Create
Tasks" form.
For this reason, and to allow for private tasks to be entered, there
is a "New Sysadmin Request" form which will set everything up
appropriately which we recommend people use instead.

I've now added the Sysadmin project to the task, so it'll be queued up
to be actioned when someone is next available.

> Regards
>  Ralf


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