Le dimanche 29 janvier 2017, 08:32:21 CET Ben Cooksley a écrit :
> Hi everyone,


> We've just completed the registration of all mainline repositories
> (not including Websites or Sysadmin namespaced ones) on Phabricator.
> Thanks go to Luigi Toscano for providing significant assistance with
> this process.
> >From this point forward, communities should be moving away from
> Reviewboard to Phabricator for conducting code review. Sysadmin will
> be announcing a timeline for the shutdown of Reviewboard in the near
> future.
> Projects which haven't yet looked into Phabricator, including getting
> things like mailing list notifications and projects setup should do so
> as soon as practical.

KApidox is not registered in Phabricator, nor on bugzilla. I don't know if the 
latter should, but currently I'm beeing emailed every time someone wants 
enhancement/bug correction, which is suboptimal.


> As part of the registration process, Sysadmin tagged repositories,
> associating them to Projects. These tags show what a repository is
> associated with and it's status.
> This includes things like whether development is currently active (the
> Historical Archival and Up For Adoption tags), which release unit it
> is part of (KDE Applications, Frameworks, etc) and the general
> development effort it is associated with.
> It would be appreciated if everyone could please check their
> repositories to ensure they've been tagged correctly. Adjustments can
> either be sent as replies to this email (include sysadmin@ in CC
> please) or by asking a member of the Community Admins project on
> Phabricator to make the change for you.
> Thanks,
> Ben Cooksley
> KDE Sysadmin

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