El divendres, 28 d’abril de 2017, a les 11:56:26 CEST, Milian Wolff va 
> On Donnerstag, 27. April 2017 17:15:44 CEST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > El dilluns, 13 de març de 2017, a les 0:31:37 CEST, Albert Astals Cid va
> > 
> > escriure:
> > > Looking at https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Apr+org%3Akde+is%3Aopen makes
> > > me
> > > very sad seeing how there's people that want to contribute but will
> > > never
> > > get an answer.
> > > 
> > > Even if you click to those 109 closed you can see how there are some
> > > that
> > > are from people that clearly got fed up from waiting.
> > > 
> > > Please people that administer the github account (¿Riddell?) make that
> > > happen
> > 
> > I made it happen.
> > 
> > I'm running https://github.com/tsdgeos/nopullrequests/ in a free
> > appspot.com instance and it will autoclose pull requests of projects
> > immediately.
> > 
> > Example: https://github.com/KDE/dummy/pull/1
> As exemplified here:
> https://github.com/KDE/heaptrack/pull/9
> I want to request that heaptrack is excluded from this bot. I do get mail
> notifications for heaptrack pull requests and took care of them in the past.
> I want to keep this contribution channel open. I see no point in not doing
> so for an extragear repo I maintain myself.

There are various reasons for which I think we should apply this to all the 
projects (i.e. not accept your request to exclude heaptrack from the bot):

** Makes for easier handling **
The code we're using for the bot is per repo, but adding exceptions means 
people have to actually keep a list of which repo is supposed to be enabled 
and which not, that is extra work.

** Makes for better collaboration **
Yes, you are looking at github, but are other people interested in 
contributing to heaptrack? By not using the common tools you're alienating 
them, losing their probably valuable reviews or forcing them to use some extra 
tools that are not the ones KDE as agreed to use. And yes there may not be 
more people interested in contributing to heaptrack at the moment, but by 
adding extra hurdles you are making it harder than needed to get a frequent 

** Makes for a more consistent experience **
Everyone gets to contribute through the same paths to our code

** Is more future proof **
Eventually, you will get tired of heaptrack, this means that eventually you'll 
stop reading github pull requests. It is true that when you get tired you will 
also stop reading phabricator pull requests, but at least they will be in 
places the rest of KDE will look at when they are bored instead of lying dead 
in github.

So what I am asking you is to be flexible and relinquish your request that I 
agree it may seem like it is better for you personally but makes it a bit 
harder for the rest of us.


> Thanks


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