On Thursday, 4 May 2017 16:59:58 CEST Guo Yunhe wrote:
> Dear developers,
> I am from Chinese localization team. Recently, we meet some new contributors
> and they are not so skilled with SVN. This let me to think how we can make
> translation process easier.
> Mozilla has its own online translation system. LibreOffice uses Pootle.
> openSUSE project uses Weblate. A lot of other projects use Transifex or
> Crowdin. These system are well designed. Anyone with basic computer
> knowledge can start to contribute. All discussions are open. It enable
> different opinions to display and avoid arbitrary.
> However, our SVN is stopping people from contributing. Not only techniques
> but also transparency. When here are some disagreement on specific
> translation, usually those who have SVN commit permission can choose the
> option they prefer. Sometimes it is disappointing.

I'm sorry for that, and I have nothing against a web system (apart from the 
fact that I find it defintely less flexible than offline system) but please 
note that :
- you can discuss openly on a mailing list;
- the web system does not magically solve the conflicts. A reviewer can still 
decide at the end. In our system, whather will be, people with developer 
account will be responsible to accept the reviews (the equivalent of commit).

So I don't think that it will your problem about disagreements, but anyway, 
see below for the technical issues.

> So I strongly suggest to make KDE's own online translation platform. And I
> would like to know ideas from other contributors.

As already pointed out, please check the archives for this discussion in the 

We have a list of requirements that *must* be satisfied:

They basically say that the web tool should not interfere with manual changes 
done under the hood, and not lose translations because of them. 

If you can implement those requirements with a proof of concept, sure, we can 
try it.


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