On Donnerstag, 29. März 2018 03:26:08 CEST Michael Pyne wrote:
> I can document that.  I assume the Wiki page for building from source is
> where you would expect to find that?  Or were you looking at the
> docs.kde.org documentation for kdesrc-build?
> However you find it, you can use the "make-install-prefix" option to
> control use of sudo, su -c, or other super-user programs.
> e.g.
> options kscreen
>     make-install-prefix sudo
> end options
> This might be good to put into the sample configuration available in the
> kdesrc-build repository as well, which might even be what you were
> talking about.

Note we would need something additional, since kscreen currently doesn't try 
to install those /etc/dbus-1 files, plus more than just kscreen needs them, 
and it can be done with two simple files like I said in another email. So this 
should probably be something done by more generic module, by kdesrc-build 
itself, or maybe by a small script provided by kdesrc-build and mentioned in 


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