
I want to request for my software Kup to become a KDE project. Some basic info about the project:

- It's a backup scheduler that offers syncronized (using rsync) and versioned (using bup) backups.

- It targets users of Plasma desktop by being integrated into the system rather than being a standalone app. Uses system settings KCM and plasma systray applet.

- In development since 2011, after 2015 development slowed down but has not stopped.

- Licensed under GPL 2+.

- Description, screenshots, ratings and comments over at https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1127689/

- Source code at https://github.com/spersson/Kup/

- Basically only me doing development, other contributions have mostly been by packaging people for build fixes.

I have read through incubator license policy wiki pages.

Also interesting to know is that I am considering replacing the bup backend with rsync and hardlinks between snapshots. That is a pretty big change that would allow me to address some old feature requests (like being able to delete old snapshots automatically). I am thinking it could be wise to do such a big change in connection with moving and possibly renaming the project. The renaming would not be so much for branding or awareness (the name Kup is never show to the user of the software, you only see it in a package manager). Instead it would be done to prevent users from unknowingly updating to the latest version and only later finding that storage format has changed.

Please let me know how you think it could fit in.



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