El dijous, 1 d’agost de 2019, a les 2:44:16 CEST, Carson Black va escriure:
> Greetings,


> I have been working on a utility called Ikona. Ikona is an application
> with a simple goal - to be a companion to a full fledged editor in
> helping the user design icons. It shows the icons in just about any
> way you want them shown - against a wallpaper, solid background,
> transparent background on a wallpaper, over the KDE HIG, small, big,
> you name it. It also bundles icon templates with sizes and pixel grids
> preconfigured to allow designers to start working on an icon
> immediately without having to set up a canvas. There is also
> functionality for displaying the Breeze color palette and allowing
> easy access to copy its color codes.
> Before anyone asks, no, this does not attempt to do the same thing as
> Cuttlefish. Cuttlefish lists the active icon theme, while Ikona
> displays an icon while it is being worked on by a designer, and
> provides facilities to help icon designers.
> Currently, the team is just me, myself, and I. Considering the
> simplicity of the application, that's all I really see it needing for
> the near future. You can only display an icon so many different ways.
> The project is currently hosted on GitHub, but does not make use of
> any Github-specific features, allowing a change to an open source
> service to be as simple as changing the remote URL and pushing. If it
> needs to be changed before hopping onto KDE infrastructure, I could
> simply just throw it onto Gitlab's Gitlab instance.
> That being said, I'm looking for someone to sponsor Ikona for
> incubation. Anyone would be much appreciated.

I can help you with that. I'll send you an email in private.

First thing i came across, ikona idles at 12% CPU usage here.

Can you reproduce that?


> Current URL: https://github.com/Appadeia/ikona
> -- Carson Black [pontaos/appadeia]

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