Hi all,

Has anyone had issues with KDE Apps (based on kde frameworks) portability?

I mean, the app can use different types of file: .rc, .knsrc, .png,
additinal binary files, etc
The problem appears, if you installed this files non standart installetion
prefix, like /opt.

Obviously, I can forward-pass installation prefix path, binary path, etc
from Cmake to the aplication, but I am interested, is there support for
situtation like this from KDE frameworks?

Just an example: the app have a few .rc files for menus, can I set
additional search path for kde core addons (better from cmake, but settings
path for example from main.cpp not bad too, if it need done only one time),
and use not absolute path?

I know, that Kde apps more target to kde platform, but the application is a
part of KdeEdu project, and portability is very important for us (for our
application), because we target for students, and the students often
haven't administration rights on work computers, used for education.

Best Regards,

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