El dilluns, 9 de setembre de 2019, a les 19:28:11 CEST, Friedrich W. H. 
Kossebau va escriure:
> Hi,
> developer using KDE Frameworks libraries in your projects, how would you like 
> to be able to control warnings about deprecated API in those libraries? Or 
> control the visibility of deprecated API to your code when building?
> There is a prototype to enhance KDE Frameworks API, so developers building 
> against KDE Frameworks libraries could use flags like

Can you explain what are they supposed to do?

When we understand their purpose we may suggest better names?

i have the feeling the last two do kind of opposite things though the names are 
very similiar?


> as well as individual specializations per library, e.g.
> following the similar macros introduced with Qt 5.13.
> Additionally this feature also would allow to do custom builds of the KF 
> libraries without code for the deprecated API:
> So apps bundling the libraries (AppImage, APK, DMG, etc) could save a bit on 
> size, if they do not need the deprecated API.
> This prototype is ECMGenerateExportHeader, up at https://phabricator.kde.org/
> D23789
> So, would those macros be useful to you in your KF5-using projects?
> Where would you like things differently?
> Cheers
> Friedrich

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