El dissabte, 2 de maig de 2020, a les 13:11:55 CEST, Johan Ouwerkerk va 
> On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 12:36 PM Eloy Cuadra <ecua...@eloihr.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > There is a widespread problem across many text strings to be translated: 
> > some isolated words are gender invariable in English, but not in many 
> > languages.
> >
> > For example, let's consider this case of a cascade menu:
> >
> >   New
> >
> >     Folder
> >
> >     File
> >
> What prevents you from arbitrarily re-naming a particular top level
> entry? E.g. if you see "New", why not translate it as though it were
> "Create" if that makes your translation work more naturally?
> I understand you'd want to stick as close as possible to the upstream
> default, but languages being languages no doubt someone will point out
> that verbs, too, could be conjugated differently depending on the
> object. Or aspect, time, mood, actor, tense, whether or not it is
> reflexive, medium, or otherwise. It could be that the verb might
> change completely: i.e that creating a new folder somehow requires a
> different translation of "create" than creating a new file would.
> Which might mean that "New > File" is much more appropriate as a
> starting point for *those* languages, because it avoids all the
> verb-related pitfalls.
> English cares very little for any of that, so trying to account for it
> in English might only serve to render it clumsy and awkward.
> Conversely there are features which English is very particular about
> like articles which many other languages don't bother with at all.
> All in all I think it is just easier if translation teams took some
> liberties to get the point across rather than hoping for English to
> become more like their native language. In particular this avoids most
> of the need for complicated rules about "what words to use when".

I don't think you understand what he is proposing.

There's no request to change the English strings at all, just to add context to 

Please read 


> Regards,
>  - Johan

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