El dilluns, 15 de juny de 2020, a les 17:36:12 CEST, Jonathan Riddell va 
> The temple for the July update is up, if you release anything this month
> add it there or tell me to add it in.
> https://invent.kde.org/websites/kde-org-announcements-releases/-/blob/master/content/2020-07-apps-update/_index.md
> kde.org/applications sub-site now has latest release version numbers on it,
> see e.g. "Latest release"
> https://kde.org/applications/en/graphics/org.kde.kolourpaint
> This comes from the appstream files in git master so they can be added any
> time.  Please do keep them up to date for your apps.  The release service
> can do this for you if your app is part of that.
> More info here
> https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/AppStream#Release_version_numbers_and_dates

I think that section misses a link to 

and that "Bugzilla versions" needs to be updated to "Bugzilla and appstream 
versions" in that page i guess.


> Jonathan

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