On 10/06/2020 18:19, Glen Ditchfield wrote:
In the Phabricator work flow, I would submit a patch, someone knowledgeable
would accept it, and I would `arc land` it.  Clear and simple.

GitLab doesn't have that "accept" step AFAIK.  The KDE Wiki's Infrastructure/
GitLab page says "Once the Merge Request is accepted, KDE Developers will
merge it for you!"  That is imprecise;  I'm in the Developer group, but I'm
just a casual.

AFAIU, with GitLab "accept" could to be, "+1", "ship it", "merge it", I've seen all three used, I've also seen a reviewer just committing/merging the change, that counts as accept too :)

Also note that if there are any "unresolved" threads in the MR, the merge button will be disabled, so this sort of acts like Phabricator "this review requires changes to proceed".

So, I have a couple of MRs in flight:

https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kcalendarcore/-/merge_requests/1 hasn't
attracted any review comments.  I don't think I _should_ merge it,


but I think I _can_, which makes me uneasy.

As has been said, anyone with a developer account could/can push to pretty much most repos in KDE. Having one's code reviewed before committing is always good because it's possible one might have missed something.

You can use @user in a comment so that user/dev gets a notification/email to get their attention, then "ping" (maybe 1-2 times), then maybe post to this ML, or ask on IRC. I know it's more work, but apparently there are always more review requests than there are devs to review them :D

https://invent.kde.org/pim/kcalutils/-/merge_requests/5 had comments, which I
resolved.  So, do I merge it?  Do I wait for both reviewers to upvote it?
Does a reviewer merge it?

Personally, I'd wait for one of the reviewers to merge it; but it happens that sometimes a reviewer has already said "change this and that then merge it" in which case, you can go ahead and merge it.

I hope that helps (and that my understanding of the issue isn't wrong :)).

Ahmad Samir

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