On 29.08.20 00:34, Ben Cooksley wrote:

On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 8:02 AM Nicolas Fella <nicolas.fe...@gmx.de
<mailto:nicolas.fe...@gmx.de>> wrote:

    Hi Ben,

Hi Nicolas,

    the only place where I'm aware that qmlplugin is used in KDE
    Connect is
    ecm_find_qmlmodule. Using qmlplugindump on the relevant modules works
    fine on my Linux machine though and I'm not aware of recent
    changes that
    might cause this. I however do not have access to a Windows machine at
    this point so I can't investigate any further on why it causes trouble

Thanks for taking a look.

More interestingly it doesn't happen every time - could it be bailing
if it fails to find plugins by any chance?

Running qmlplugindump for a nonexistant plugin fails very fast on my

The problem of qmlplugindump hanging seems to be somewhat known and has
hit other KDE projects
(https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=232736). There's also
an upstream bugreport (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-70460),
which is marked as fixed though.

Given that the ecm_find_qmlmodule calls are not essential I would be
fine with removing them if no other resolution can be found.






    On 28.08.20 21:38, Ben Cooksley wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > It appears that at some point in recent history something in KDE
    > Connect has changed, which now causes it's build to hang on the
    > Factory until the hanging process (qmlplugindump) is manually
    > terminated.
    > The affected log can be found at
    > Can someone please investigate and remediate this to ensure that
    > either qmlplugindump is not utilised, or that it no longer hangs?
    > Thanks,
    > Ben

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