On Thursday, 10 September 2020 16:11:08 CEST Caio Jordão Carvalho wrote:
> As discussed in the SoK/GSoC BoF that we had yesterday, our plan is
> to start the next edition of Season of KDE soon. But first we need to
> include
> some ideas in our ideas page and, most importantly, *we need mentors*! So

I couldn't tell if SoK was moving forward or likely to happen this year, but 
since I wrote up a bunch of starter-issues for Calamares (close-to-a-KDE-
project) for Hacktoberfest (not-a-KDE-activity) which also fit the SoK theme, 
I did the following:

- updated SoK wiki front (https://community.kde.org/SoK) to mention 2021
- added a general About page
- added Calamares projects (there's a dozen hacktoberfest issues available, 
all of which are also suitable SoK things)

I did not:
- even try to update https://season.kde.org/ (because Drupal, so it's not 
something I think I can reach)

The s.k.o site makes it look like December 2019 is in the future, which is 
kind of confusing. It'd be better to have it showing, say, the text "SoK 2020 
is over, we're collecting ideas for 2021, the fancy JavaScript wheel-calendar-
thingy is switched off but take a look at the Wiki for now" so it's clear 
where we're at.


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