On 07/06/2021 22:52, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
El dilluns, 7 de juny de 2021, a les 20:46:25 (CEST), Nate Graham va escriure:
Hello folks,

The Fedora packagers were mentioning to me today that it would be a lot
easier for them to ship Qt with our patch collection if we made tags and
tarballs. Is this something we could look into doing?

We explicitly do not want to make releases

Making a release means having to use of a version number, and any version 
number we use will be wrong.

Don't think this as a product, think of it as a central place where patches are 

If they want a tarball because using git is a problem, they can always use 
https://invent.kde.org/qt/qt/qtbase/-/archive/kde/5.15/qtbase-kde-5.15.tar.bz2 ?


Alternatively they could treat it like backported kernel patches? https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/kernel/blob/rawhide/f/Patchlist.changelog I don't know the details but it's doable is what I am saying.

The thing is, IIUC the KDE Qt patch curators don't want to create a release, just a set of "important" patches on top of the last open-source Qt release, i.e. deal with it like any other project whose upstream hasn't made any new releases in a long time, but there are new commits in git; I am sure most distro packagers have seen one or two cases as such.

My 2p.

Have a good day.

Ahmad Samir

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