Am Freitag, 27. August 2021, 22:27:55 CEST schrieb Ben Cooksley:
> This is somewhat expected behaviour, as we need to force logins via the
> MyKDE flow in order to ensure user details - including group memberships -
> are synchronised appropriately.

That is unfortunate, but understandable...

> At some point in the future I would like to see FIDO2 (U2F) support being
> deployed on MyKDE which would enable this flow for you.

That would of course be the best solution. The reason I'm not entirely happy 
with the redirection to MyKDE is that it forces me to get my TOTP device and 
type in the security number. If the second factor on MyKDE could be a FIDO2 
device, the whole nuisance would disappear (and not only for collaborate).

Thanks for the insight!


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