El dilluns, 29 de novembre de 2021, a les 12:16:12 (CET), Tobias Leupold va 
> Hi list :-)
> Sorry in advance for bothering you again about KGeoTag, but I still can't get 
> it to work (which is most probably my fault, I'm still a CI n00b).
> I tried again with what I did some time ago, and it failed due to missing 
> dependencies (cf. https://invent.kde.org/graphics/kgeotag/-/jobs/163441 ). I 
> first thought this is still caused by Marble being not available, but only 
> Frameworks libs, but then I saw that such a dependency should be referenced 
> by 
> e.g. 'kde/education/marble', not only 'education/marble'.
> I then tried again, but now, libkexiv2 isn't found, cf.
> https://invent.kde.org/graphics/kgeotag/-/jobs/164537
> What am I missing?


So add
   'graphics/libkexiv2': '@same'
to your .kde-ci.yml


> Also: Would/will it be possible to build on another system than Suse 
> Tumbleweed, e.g. on Debian stable?
> Thanks for all help and sorry again for the noise ...
> Cheers, Tobias

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