El dijous, 17 de febrer de 2022, a les 20:20:27 (CET), Christian Spaan va 
> Dear developer mailing list,
> accessibility has been a focus topic for KDE recently, sadly translating 
> KDE software is not so accessible after all.
> Actually, I translated and reviewed countless strings for many projects, 
> but I never did a single string for my favourite project, which is KDE 😁
> The old ways of translating things would always seem too tedious 
> compared to continuous localisation services like Transifex and Weblate.
> However, Weblate is self-hostable and at first look even better than 
> Transifex. Also, it works for Debian, openSUSE and LibreOffice.
> So, if continuous localisation was to be considered, I would be happy to 
> engage in a SIG or something.

This is off topic here, the proper mailing list for discussion localization in 
KDE is kde-i18n-doc

But before you go there and start the same discussion we've had tenths of times 
over the past few years please read https://phabricator.kde.org/T13311 


> Regards,
> -- Christian

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