This sounds amazing! However, I still don't see the point of avoiding QSS
because it seems to be able to do everything CSS can (besides
transformations, which are the only difference that I've been able to find
so far).

On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 1:25 AM Nate Graham <> wrote:

> Hello Samuel,
> There's an idea for the future of theming in Plasma 6 that would use CSS
> to define a "universal theme" that would then be consumed by our QQC2,
> Plasma, and GTK theming to keep them all in sync automatically. See
> This is one of the options presented
> there, but to my knowledge the only one with a prototype implementation,
> made by Arjen Hiemstra (CCd). If you're interested in pursuing this, you
> might want to get in touch with him about it.
> Nate

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