Hi all,

I have a small problem with creating release tarballs. I must have missed 

Yesterday, I created a release tarball for both KPhotoAlbum and KGeoTag. I 
first tried to do this as I always did it:

./tarme.rb --origin trunk --version 5.9.0 kphotoalbum

that gave me

    Traceback (most recent call last):
            8: from ./tarme.rb:74:in `<main>'
            7: from ./tarme.rb:74:in `collect'
            6: from ./tarme.rb:81:in `block in <main>'
            5: from /hd/home/tobias/tmp/git/releaseme/lib/releaseme/
release.rb:66:in `get'
            4: from /hd/home/tobias/tmp/git/releaseme/lib/releaseme/
release.rb:154:in `check_ci!'
            3: from /hd/home/tobias/tmp/git/releaseme/lib/releaseme/
jenkins.rb:60:in `from_name_and_branch'
            2: from /hd/home/tobias/tmp/git/releaseme/lib/releaseme/
jenkins.rb:23:in `get'
            1: from /usr/lib64/ruby/2.7.0/net/http/response.rb:133:in `value'
    /usr/lib64/ruby/2.7.0/net/http/response.rb:124:in `error!': 302 "Found" 

Then, I had a look at the wiki and found "--origin stable". I used this, and 
the tarball was created.

Too late, I noticed (thanks Heiko Becker for mailing me!!!) that no 
translations are included in neither tarball.

As said, I must have missed something -- what's wrong?!

Thanks for all help for a (after all those years still) junior dev not doing 
releases too often ... ;-)

Cheers, Tobias

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