
On jeudi 29 septembre 2022 10:22:19 CEST Tobias Leupold wrote:

> So what's the rationale behind still releasing libksane, when it can't be
> used anymore, and one has to port one's code to KSaneCore anyway?

libksane is still needed by a couple applications:

> The KSaneCore API docs say that one should use
> "target_link_libraries(yourapp KF5::SaneCore)" in CMakeLists.txt to link
> against it. That actually didn't work, I had to use
> "target_link_libraries(scandoc ... KSane::Core)" to make it work. Am I
> missing something, or should either the documentation be changed and/or the
> "KF5::SaneCore" target be added/defined?

The change is intentional: https://invent.kde.org/libraries/ksanecore/-/

The metainfo.yaml also needs an update

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