El dissabte, 22 d’octubre de 2022, a les 20:17:16 (CET), Lukas Sommer va 
> Hello.


> This is a sponsor request for incubation of libperceptualcolor (
> https://github.com/sommerluk/perceptualcolor). It is a library in
> development that shall provide more intuitive color picker widgets than the
> default color picker dialogs. The components are based on how humans
> perceive colors instead of how computers implement color storage (RGB).

I can be your sponsor :)

Do you have a Matrix username, libera.chat IRC username  or Telegram 
username we can use to do "realtime" chat? It'll be faster than email if you 
have one.


> There is still no release and the API is still changing. But I would like
> to continue the development within KDE and discuss also the design (both
> the UI design and the API design) for possible improvements.
> Best regards
> Lukas Sommer

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