On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 9:33 PM Hamed Masafi <hamed.mas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Considering that gitklient is very close to the first version, I have to say 
> something about its naming.
> When I started the project, no name came to my mind. Of course, it is the 
> same now. That's why, just so that the name of the project is not empty, 
> change its name to gitklient, in kde 3 naming style (I know).
> Considering that the first version of this app has not been published yet, 
> can we change the name?
> If the answer is yes, what name should we choose? To be honest, I still don't 
> have a suitable name in mind!
> I sent this email so that we can talk about this (of course, if we can change 
> the name of the program) and find a good name for it.
> I had a long chat with ChatGpt! Also, I got help from some name suggestion 
> sites and asked some people for their opinion. Finally, I have a list of 
> suggested names to start a discussion.
> - Kodify
> - Kittie
> - Kode
> - Kommit

I really like "Kommit". It starts with "K" and is just to the point.

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