nice- i would be very interested on such lib- i’m working on Clip

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> On 29/07/2023, at 1:11 PM, George Florea Banus <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have created a libmpv wrapper library for qtquick/qml (no widgets) 
> I created it mostly because I use mpv in Haruna and other personal projects 
> and keeping the code in sync got annoying. There are also other kde projects 
> using mpv (plasmatube, tokodon, clip) and hopefully it can be of use to them 
> too.
> I am not very good at cmake, especially not when it comes to libraries, 
> so I'd appreciate if a cmake expert would take a look and point any wrong or 
> missing things.
> I'd also like this to become more official (moved from my personal 
> repo/namespace), 
> if that is wanted, the "wanted" part is because mpv can't be built on Windows 
> with msvc
> and mingw is being dropped.
> That is all, have a nice day.

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