On 2/22/24 23:57, Nate Graham wrote:
Hello everyone,

Congrats to the entire KDE community on the impending launch of the KDE 6 MegaRelease! I'm so impressed with how folks came together to make it amazing. It's a very impressive release and I think people are gonna love it.

I've started pondering post-megarelease projects. We've spent so long on porting and bugfixing that I think it might be useful to shift gears to feature work, and I'd like to brainstorm potential large-scale projects and gauge the level of interest in putting resources into them soon.

Here are some ideas of mine to get the creative juices started:

* David's input method playground stuff [1] is amazing and needs to be developed and productized * GNOME's Libadwaita app platform has been a runaway success for them; evaluate our offerings in comparison and see what we can do better
* Unified theming infrastructure for KDE apps, GTK apps, and Plasma.
** Relatedly: QML/JS in themes is dangerous; move away from it
* Start adding release notes to our apps' AppStream metadata [2]
* Finish up and ship the new Breeze icons
* HIG is outdated and mostly ignored, and needs an overhaul to make it useful
* Telemetry system has not proved to be very useful and needs an overhaul
* store.kde.org is full of low-quality or broken content; make a push for KDE people to take ownership of content moderation, QA, etc. Also any relevant and needed tech improvements
* Our virtual keyboard situation is not great and needs focused work
* KWallet needs an overhaul
* Have KWin (optionally) remember window positions on Wayland
* Build a "System misconfiguration detection hub" app [3]

Feel free to discuss, and propose your own!


[1] https://blog.davidedmundson.co.uk/blog/new-ideas-using-wayland-input-methods/
[2] https://github.com/ximion/appstream/issues/354
[3] https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/issues/64

Speaking for kwin, there are a few things that I would like us to complete or spend more time on

- Fractional scaling
- Output layers
- Scene: port as much as possible stuff to the Item. It would be nice to add support for animating Items in order to start phasing out AnimationEffect. Also, as we discussed in #kwin, it's worth looking into splitting item and render node trees
- Input: input grabs & redirection of input through the scene
- Split kwin_wayland and kwin_x11 + further design cleanups and code shuffling
- Explicit sync
- Triple buffering
- Proper output mirror and tiled output support
- Try enabling color management by default

The list is quite ambitious for 6.1 as it requires a lot of work.

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