
Can we please modify the KDE coding guidelines for CMake source code
Such that we do not allow the following three issues:

1. kconfig/src/core/CMakeLists.txt:36: Mismatching spaces inside ()
after command [whitespace/mismatch]:
${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-kconfig.h )"

Notice that the opening parentheses is followed by zero spaces while
the closing parentheses has a space before it.

2. kconfig/CMakeLists.txt:74: Extra spaces between 'include' and its
() [whitespace/extra]:
"include (ECMPoQmTools)"

This is about not having whitespace between a "CMake command" and its "(".

Reasons: 90% of the lines from the cmake source code files from the
KDE project already respect this rule.
I cannot easily find a space between a cmake command and its "(" in
the documentation and tutorials from the CMake project e.g.
https://cmake.org/cmake/help/git-master/ ,
The cmake documentation about the cmake command "if" does not suggest
that a space is possible between "if" and its "(".
cmake guidelines not from the cmake project tend to not use a space
between "if" and its "(". E.g.
There are cmake source code files from the KDE community which (in the
same file) use both styles e.g. "if(" and "if (".
The former project "kdeexamples" does not use space between a cmake
command and its "(".

3. kcalc/CMakeLists.txt:96: Line ends in whitespace [whitespace/eol]:
"   kcalc_const_menu.cpp "

There is a space character after "kcalc_const_menu.cpp".

Thank you.
End of email, please ignore the rest of this email.

Technical details:

The cmake lint messages are from https://pypi.org/project/cmakelint/ .

I could not find a CMake source code guidelines web page from the CMake project.

The KDE coding guidelines for CMake source code
https://community.kde.org/Policies/CMake_Coding_Style already do not
allow the following issues:

1. kconfig/autotests/kconfig_compiler/CMakeLists.txt:8: Do not mix
upper and lower case commands [readability/mixedcase]:
"macro(GEN_KCFG_TEST_SOURCE _testName _srcs)
    KCONFIG_ADD_KCFG_FILES(${_srcs} ${_testName}.kcfgc ${ARGN})

says: "Upper/lower casing
Most important: use consistent upper- or lowercasing within one file !
In general, in KDE the all-lowercase style is preferred."

2. kconfig/KF6ConfigMacros.cmake:149: Expression repeated inside
endforeach; better to use only endforeach() [readability/logic]:

says: "To make the code easier to read, use empty commands for
endforeach(), endif(), endfunction(), endmacro() and endwhile(). Also,
use empty else() commands. "
This is also recommended by the CMake project
https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/if.html says "Per legacy,
the else() and endif() commands admit an optional <condition>
argument. If used, it must be a verbatim repeat of the argument of the
opening if command.". And the fact that
https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/if.html#synopsis is
different from https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.10/command/if.html#synopsis

3. kcalc/CMakeLists.txt:183: [whitespace/indent]:
"   add_subdirectory( autotests )"

In this example file, most lines use 4 spaces indent, while this line
use 3 spaces indent.
https://community.kde.org/Policies/CMake_Coding_Style#Indentation says
"Use spaces for indenting, 2, 3 or 4 spaces preferably. Use the same
amount of spaces for indenting as is used in the rest of the file. Do
not use tabs."
If in a file has exactly 50% of of the indented lines using 3 spaces
and 50% of indented lines use 4 spaces, we should, in the future, use
4 spaces, because at least cmakelint leans towards having files
indented with 2 or 4 spaces.

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