On Monday 23 April 2007, Anton Brondz wrote:
| Hi
| I'd like to start contributing to KDE documentation. I've been using
| KDE for the last 3 years, and now I would like to give something in
| return.

Awesome! Welcome aboard then, you will become addicted so that is your first 
warning :)

| I've been looking over the introductions and I'm currently reading the
| DocBook manual. I hope to get started on something soon, but first I
| have a few questions:
| * Is this the mailing list I'm supposed to send in completed stuff or
| should I send it to the coordinator?

This is the correct list. So send in your patches (svn diff) to this list.

| * Does all the communication go trough mailing lists, or is there an
| IRC channel or similar? (I've tried #kde-docs on freenode, but it's
| pretty quiet)

That is the channel we use, and yes it is normall quiet, but I am sure that 
within the coming weeks it is going to start getting noisy again with KDE4 
and KOffice2 work coming in.

| * How should I let you know if I'm working on something to avoid duplicate
| work?

Just ask here if anyone is working on it. Another way to see if anyone has or 
is working on the doc is going to http://websvn.kde.org and checking the 
changelogs for a document. If they are recent, try and locate that person's 
email address and contact them and see if it is OK. Most projects on the KDE 
SVN more than likely have an IRC channel somewhere on Freenode.

| I'm not very used to open bazaar-style development, so I hope you can
| forgive the stupid questions.

Anton, not one of your questions were stupid at all, they were all very well 
thought out and clearly spoken with topics that need to be covered in detail 
somewhere.  They always say there is no such thing as a stupid question, just 
a stupid answer, so I hope mine weren't that bad :) Thanks Anton for 
contacting us and letting us know you are interested. I am nixternal on 
Freenode, so feel free to contact me, and if I am online I will chat with you 
and answer any questions you may have as well. I am in class quite a bit, so 
if you don't get an answer within a couple of hours, it isn't that I am 
ignoring you :)

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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