Op zaterdag 23 april 2011 04:30:33 schreef Raphael Kubo da Costa:
> Sorry if this ends up being a user question, but I thought there's a
> chance there's something wrong with either khelpcenter or Skrooge's
> docbook.
> I've compiled and installed Skrooge from git here into my $KDEDIR with
> all my other KDE modules. However, when I launch KHelpCenter I'm unable
> to find Skrooge's documentation, be it in the "Application Manuals" or
> in alphabetical list in the glossary.
> However, if I try to open Skrooge's handbook via Skrooge itself, it
> works fine.

How about opening the handbook in Konqueror with help:/skrooge ?


Freek de Kruijf

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