Burkhard L?ck wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) today I notices that the margins for a glossary in a documentation are
> wrong compared to the section pages.
> A good example for that is KNode. View the glossary page and you'll see what I
> mean.
> So I played a bit with the attached kde-default.css to make it better.
> To be honest I have no clue about css, but for me the glossary in knode looks
> better with the attched kde-default.css.
> To proof that yourself just copy kde-default.css to your
> share/doc/HTML/en/common/kde-default.css and try it with the knode glossary.

Looks good to me.

> 2) guiicon markup has no background like the other gui* tags, but should
> afaik, patch in the attachment.
> 3) from my pov the distance between the last line of text and the top of the
> footer is too much, anybody knows how to make that smaller?

Change padding-bottom under contentBody in kde-doc.css.  1em looks 
decent to me, whereas now it's at 8.9!

> 4) does anybody know how to disable the tooltips (chapter/sect title) popping
> up when the mouse pointer stays longer than a few seconds on the page?

Someone would have to tell meinproc not to set the "title" attribute of 
the <div> enclosing sections and chapters in the generated HTML.


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