On dinsdag 22 november 2011 00:34:43 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> There is no kdelibs 4.8 (it does not exist), also it does not make sense
> for you to push to 4.6 as there are no more releases of it anymore.

I still did push the new version of .../customization/nl/user.entities to 
KDE/4.6 in the hope there is a parallel path by a distributor to take that 
file and put it in the distribution still using 4.6 like earlier versions of 
openSUSE. I do see new versions of localization files of KDE coming into my 
system, while I still use KDE 4.6.
The file .../customization/nl/user.entities is the only file in kdelibs, in 
the few years I coordinate the Dutch translations, that I needed to change.
> Let me try to explain the main difference between svn and git regarding
> branches
> in svn each branch had a different url, e.g.
> /trunk/KDE/kdelibs
> /branches/KDE/4.7/kdelibs
> etc
> in git everything has the same url, e.g.
> git://anongit.kde.org/kdelibs
> contains ALL the kdelibs branches
> So when you do
> git clone git://anongit.kde.org/kdelibs
> you end up with master (what was called trunk before) in a folder named
> kdelibs
> If you want to switch to a different branch, you just switch to it from
> within the same repository (folder), doing
> git checkout master
> git checkout KDE/4.7
> git checkout KDE/4.6
> etc

So it really is a turning stage and you have to give the above command to see 
the files in that version.

> You can view all the existing branches with git branch -a
> Then depending which branch you have checked out 

Having this branch checked out and left it alone for some time, I use(d)
git pull --rebase
to make it current or should I use the checkout command again?

When I need to change something first I do the above to make it current and 
after that put my changes in and give the command

git commit -a -m 'some text about the type of change'

then I continue like below.

> you need to push to the
> same branch (otherwise very bad things can happen), that is
> git push origin master
> git push origin KDE/4.7
> git push origin KDE/4.6
> This should give you a quick overview of how git works, but i recommend
> that you read some of the tutorials out there. If you do not have time for
> that, just send me the patches you need to commit to kdelibs.
> > How do these changes in kdelibs boil down to a distribution? Are they
> > only part of a minor release of KDE or is there a separate work flow for
> > changes that are made in the area where localized information is
> > produced, like kdelibs, but also in the i18n svn repository. So a
> > distribution can regularly pick up these packages, apart from the minor
> > releases of KDE.
> Distributions use tarballs that we release with every minor release like
> they always have done.

Like I wrote above, I do see new versions of packages coming in recently in 
KDE 4.6 with localized data, like kde4-i18n-nl.
Thinking about this, it may be new localized data from KDE packages that have 
their own version scheme. So can you enlighten us on this? I will ask openSUSE 
as well.


Freek de Kruijf

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