Git commit ced988e2926b383bc3381ea22c7a639f3dbdb841 by Mario Fux.
Committed on 05/05/2015 at 13:43.
Pushed by fux into branch 'master'.

Fixed some typos and small things in the documentation

M  +22   -22   doc/simon/index.docbook

diff --git a/doc/simon/index.docbook b/doc/simon/index.docbook
index 684ca22..e54fc9f 100644
--- a/doc/simon/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/simon/index.docbook
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ For information on how to use base models in Simon, please 
refer to the <link li
 <para>By adapting a pre-compiled acoustic model you can improve accuracy by 
adapting it to your voice.</para>
-<para>Collected training data will be compiled in a adaption matrix which will 
then be applied to the selected base model.</para>
+<para>Collected training data will be compiled in an adaption matrix which 
will then be applied to the selected base model.</para>
 <para>This type of model <emphasis>does</emphasis> require the model creation 
backend to be installed.</para>
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ You can not use scenarios designed for different phoneme 
set (different base mod
-<para>The default configuration is sufficient for a <quote>normal</quote> 
installation and will assume that you use a local Simond server that will be 
automatically be started and stopped with Simon.</para>
+<para>The default configuration is sufficient for a <quote>normal</quote> 
installation and will assume that you use a local Simond server that will be 
started automatically and stopped with Simon.</para>
 <para>After completing or aborting the first run wizard you can change 
configuration options defined here in the <link 
linkend="configure_server">server configuration</link>.</para>
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ The Simon main window can be hidden at any time by clicking 
on the Simon logo in
-<para>To activate or deactivation a scenario you can use the arrow buttons 
between the two lists or simply double click the option you want to load / 
+<para>To activate or deactivate a scenario you can use the arrow buttons 
between the two lists or simply double click the option you want to load / 
 <para>More information about individual scenarios can be found in the tooltips 
of the list items.</para>
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ Simon was designed with high configurability in mind. 
Because of this, there are
-Please note that the option to start Simon at login will work on both 
Microsoft Windows and when you are using KDE on Linux. Support for other 
desktop environments like Gnome, XFCE, &etc; might require manually placing 
Simon in the session autostart (please refer to the respective manuals of your 
desktop environment).
+Please note that the option to start Simon at login will work on both 
Microsoft Windows and when you are using KDE's Plasma on Linux. Support for 
other desktop environments like Gnome, XFCE, &etc; might require manually 
placing Simon in the session autostart (please refer to the respective manuals 
of your desktop environment).
 When the option to start Simon minimized is selected, Simon will minimize to 
the system tray immediately after starting.
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ Simon uses fairly sophisticated internal sound processing 
to enable complex mult
-<para>Most of the time you will want to use 1 channel and 16kHz (which is also 
the default) because the recognition only works on mono input and works best at 
16kHz (8kHz and 22kHz being other viable options). Some low-cost sound cards 
might not support this particular mode in which case you can enable automatic 
Resampling in the device's advanced configuration.</para>
+<para>Most of the time you will want to use 1 channel and 16kHz (which is also 
the default) because the recognition only works on mono input and works best at 
16kHz (8kHz and 22kHz being other viable options). Some low-cost sound cards 
might not support this particular mode in which case you can enable automatic 
resampling in the device's advanced configuration.</para>
 <note><para>Only change the channel and the samplerate if you really know what 
you are doing. Otherwise the recognition will <emphasis>most likely</emphasis> 
not work.</para></note>
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ Simon uses fairly sophisticated internal sound processing 
to enable complex mult
 <sect3 id="soundconfiguration_vad">
   <title>Voice Activity Detection</title>
-  <para>The recognition is done one the Simond server. See the <link 
linkend="architecture">architecture section</link> for more details.</para>
+  <para>The recognition is done on the Simond server. See the <link 
linkend="architecture">architecture section</link> for more details.</para>
   <para>The sound stream is not continuous but is segmented by the Simon 
client. This is done by something called <quote>voice activity 
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ Simon uses fairly sophisticated internal sound processing 
to enable complex mult
         <para><guilabel>Skip samples shorter than</guilabel></para>
-        <para>Samples that are shorter than this value are not considered for 
recognition. (coughs, &etc;)</para>
+        <para>Samples that are shorter than this value are not considered for 
recognition (coughs, &etc;).</para>
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ Simon uses fairly sophisticated internal sound processing 
to enable complex mult
 <para>Given the program <application>process_audio</application> which takes 
the input- and output files as its arguments (&eg;: <command>process_audio 
in.wav out.wav</command>) the postprocessing command would be: 
<userinput>process_audio %1 %2</userinput>. The two placeholders %1 and %2 will 
be replaced by the input filename and the output filename respectively.</para>
-<para>The switch to <quote>apply filters to recordings recorded with 
Simon</quote> enables the postprocessing chains for samples recorded during the 
training (including the initial training while adding the word). If you don't 
select this switch the postprocesing commands are only applied to imported 
samples (through the <link linkend="import_training-data">import training data 
+<para>The switch to <quote>apply filters to recordings recorded with 
Simon</quote> enables the postprocessing chains for samples recorded during the 
training (including the initial training while adding the word). If you don't 
select this switch the postprocessing commands are only applied to imported 
samples (through the <link linkend="import_training-data">import training data 
@@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ Simon uses fairly sophisticated internal sound processing 
to enable complex mult
 <para>For example, in a system where multiple, very different speakers use one 
shared setup, <link linkend="context_conditions">context conditions</link> can 
be set up to automatically build separate models for both users depending on 
the current situation.</para>
-<para>The above screenshot, for example, shows a setup where, given that all 
samples of "peter" were tagged "peters_samples" and all samples of "mathias" 
were tagged "mathias_samples" (refer to the <link 
linkend="soundconfiguration_device">device configuration for more information 
on how to set up sample groups</link>), the active acoustic model will only 
contain the current user's own samples as long as the file 
<filename>/home/bedahr/.username</filename> contains either "peter" or 
+<para>The above screenshot, for example, shows a setup where, given that all 
samples of "peter" were tagged "peters_samples" and all samples of "mathias" 
were tagged "mathias_samples" (refer to the <link 
linkend="soundconfiguration_device">device configuration</link> for more 
information on how to set up sample groups), the active acoustic model will 
only contain the current user's own samples as long as the file 
<filename>/home/bedahr/.username</filename> contains either "peter" or 
 <para>Another example use-case would be to switch to a more noise-resistant 
acoustic model when the user starts playing music.</para>
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ To identify individual users of the system (one Simond 
server can of course serv
-As of yet (Simon 0.4), encryption is not yet supported.
+As of now (Simon 0.4), encryption is not yet supported.
 The timeout setting specifies, how long Simon will wait for a first reply when 
contacting the hosts. If you are on a very, very slow network and/or use 
<quote>connect on start</quote> on a very slow machine, you may want to 
increase this value if you keep getting timeout errors and can resolve them by 
trying again repeatedly.
@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ The timeout setting specifies, how long Simon will wait 
for a first reply when c
-Simon creates the speech input files which are then compiled and used by the 
Simond server (see the <link linkend="architecture">section architecture for 
more details</link>).
+Simon creates the speech input files which are then compiled and used by the 
Simond server (see the <link linkend="architecture">section architecture</link> 
for more details).
@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ However, if you want more control you can instruct Simon 
to ask you before start
   <para>The recognition of Simon computes not only the most likely result but 
rather the top ten results.</para>
-  <para>Each of the results are assigned a confidence score between 0 and 1 
(were 1 is 100% sure).</para>
+  <para>Each of the results are assigned a confidence score between 0 and 1 
(where 1 is 100% sure).</para>
   <para>Using the <guilabel>Minimum confidence</guilabel> you can set a 
minimum confidence for recognition results to be considered valid.</para>
   <para>If more than one recognition results are rated higher than the minimum 
confidence score, Simon will provide a popup listing the most likely options 
for you to choose from.</para>
@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ However, if you want more control you can instruct Simon 
to ask you before start
-<para>Instead of using an external TTS engine, you can also record yourself or 
other speakers reading the texts aloud. Simon can then play back these 
pre-recorded snippet when they are requested of it's text-to-speech 
+<para>Instead of using an external TTS engine, you can also record yourself or 
other speakers reading the texts aloud. Simon can then play back these 
pre-recorded snippets when they are requested of its text-to-speech 
 <para>These recorded sound bites are organized into "sets" of different 
speakers which can also be imported and exported to share them with other 
&kmyapplication; users.</para>
@@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@ However, if you want more control you can instruct Simon 
to ask you before start
-<para>You can provide any Url. &kmyapplication; will replace any instance of 
"%1" within the configured Url with the text to synthesize. The backend expects 
the queried webservice to return a <filename>.wav</filename> file that will be 
streamed and outputted through &kmyapplication;'s sound layer - respecting the 
<link linkend="soundconfiguration_device">sound device 
+<para>You can provide any URL. &kmyapplication; will replace any instance of 
"%1" within the configured URL with the text to synthesize. The backend expects 
the queried webservice to return a <filename>.wav</filename> file that will be 
streamed and outputted through &kmyapplication;'s sound layer - respecting the 
<link linkend="soundconfiguration_device">sound device 
@@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ However, if you want more control you can instruct Simon 
to ask you before start
 <sect2 id="webcam_configuration">
 <title>Webcam configuration</title>
-<para>In Webcam configuration, you can configure frame per second (fps) and 
select the webcam to use when multiple webcams are connected to your system. 
+<para>In Webcam configuration, you can configure frames per second (fps) and 
select the webcam to use when multiple webcams are connected to your system. 
     <screeninfo>Webcam configuration</screeninfo>
@@ -1579,14 +1579,14 @@ However, if you want more control you can instruct 
Simon to ask you before start
-<para> Frame per second is the rate at which webcam will produce unique 
consecutive images called frames. The optimal value of fps is between 5-15 for 
proper performance. </para>
+<para> Frames per second is the rate at which the webcam will produce unique 
consecutive images called frames. The optimal value of fps is between 5-15 for 
proper performance. </para>
 <sect2 id="jconfs">
 <title>Advanced: Adjusting the recognition parameters manually</title>
-Simon is targeted towards end-users. It's interface is designed to allow even 
users without any background in speech technology to design their own language 
and acoustic models by providing reasonable default values for simple uses.
+Simon is targeted towards end-users. Its interface is designed to allow even 
users without any background in speech technology to design their own language 
and acoustic models by providing reasonable default values for simple uses.
 In special cases (severe speech impairments for example), special 
configuration might be needed. This is why the raw configuration files for the 
recognition are also respected by Simon and can of course be modified to suit 
your needs.
@@ -1597,7 +1597,7 @@ In special cases (severe speech impairments for example), 
special configuration
 <para>There are basically two parts of the Julius configuration that can be 
-<listitem><para>adin.jconf</para><para>This is the configuration of the Simon 
client of the Soundstream sent from Simon to the Simond. This file is directly 
read by the adinstreamer.</para>
+<listitem><para>adin.jconf</para><para>This is the configuration of the Simon 
client of the sound stream sent from Simon to the Simond. This file is directly 
read by the adinstreamer.</para>
 <para>Simon ships with a default adin.jconf without any special parameters. 
You can change this system wide configuration which will affect all users if 
there are different user accounts on your machine who all use Simon. To just 
change the configuration of one of those users copy the file to the user path 
(see below) and edit this copy.</para>
 <listitem><para>julius.jconf</para><para>This is a configuration of the Simond 
server and directly influences the recognition. This file is parsed by 
libjulius and libsent directly.</para>
@@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ In general, it is advisable to keep your vocabulary as 
sleek as possible. The mo
-Example vocabulary (please note that the categories here are deliberately set 
to Noun / Verb to help the understanding; please to refer to the <link 
linkend="grammar">grammar section</link> why this might not be the best idea):
+Example vocabulary (please note that the categories here are deliberately set 
to Noun / Verb to help the understanding; please refer to the <link 
linkend="grammar">grammar section</link> why this might not be the best idea):
 <table frame='all'><title>Sample Vocabulary</title>
 <tgroup cols='3' align='left' colsep='1' rowsep='1'>
 <colspec colname='c1'/>
@@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@ Now we change the grammar to the following:
   <listitem><para><quote>Trigger Command</quote></para></listitem>
-This allows all the combinations described above. However, it also limits the 
possibilities to exactly those three sentences. Especially in larger models a 
well thought grammar and vocabulary can mean a huge difference in recognition 
+This allows all the combinations described above. However, it also limits the 
possibilities to exactly those three sentences. Especially in larger models a 
well-thought-out grammar and vocabulary can mean a huge difference in 
recognition results.
@@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ To train the acoustic model (in other words to tell him 
how you pronounce the ph
 <para>The license of your scenario can be set through the drop down. You can 
of course also add an arbitrary license text directly in the input field.</para>
-<para>You can then add your name (or alias) to the list of scenario authors. 
There you will also be asked for contact information. This field is purely 
provided as a convenient way to contact a scenario author for changes, 
problems, fanmail &etc; If you don't feel comfortable providing your e-Mail 
address you can simply enter a dash <quote>-</quote> denoting that you are not 
willing to divulge this information.</para>
+<para>You can then add your name (or alias) to the list of scenario authors. 
There you will also be asked for contact information. This field is purely 
provided as a convenient way to contact a scenario author for changes, 
problems, fanmail &etc; If you don't feel comfortable providing your email 
address you can simply enter a dash <quote>-</quote> denoting that you are not 
willing to divulge this information.</para>
@@ -2478,7 +2478,7 @@ Due to a special exemption in their license the Simon 
listens team is proud to b
-<para>Using the automatic bomp import you can, after providing name and e-Mail 
address for the team of the University Bonn, directly download and import the 
dictionary from the Simon listens server.</para>
+<para>Using the automatic bomp import you can, after providing name and email 
address for the team of the University Bonn, directly download and import the 
dictionary from the Simon listens server.</para>
 <sect3 id="import_dict_htk">

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