shubham added a comment.

  > 2. Quadruple-click to select whole page What do other folks think?
  In my view quadruple click does not make sense because it is seldom the user 
can think it cam result in some kind of action or behaviour.
  Secondly, this feature then would remain hidden or unknown about, even though 
I originally implemented this in double click.  I would prefer double click 
over quadruple since for me double click is expected to do something, but 
surely quadruple not.(I don't know about others)
  At the end you all are much more experienced amd understand UX way better 
than me, I will leave this to you.

  R223 Okular


To: shubham, aacid, #vdg
Cc: michaelweghorn, kde-doc-english, davidhurka, abetts, loh.tar, alexde, 
ngraham, okular-devel, gennad, tfella, skadinna, darcyshen, aacid

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