zzag added a comment.

  -1, sorry.
  I don't see any reason to change the name. As I said previously, people 
started using "desktop effects" long time ago. Bug reports, news articles, 
forum posts and so on use "desktop effects." Deviating from this terminology 
perhaps isn't a good idea.
  Also, "graphical effects" makes me think of graphical effects in GIMP.

  R108 KWin

  desktop-to-graphical (branched from master)


To: ngraham, #vdg, #kwin, GB_2
Cc: zzag, GB_2, kwin, kde-doc-english, LeGast00n, sbergeron, jraleigh, gennad, 
fbampaloukas, mkulinski, ragreen, jackyalcine, Pitel, iodelay, crozbo, bwowk, 
ZrenBot, ngraham, alexeymin, skadinna, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
hardening, romangg, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol, mart

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