yurchor added a comment.

  Thanks in advance for fixing these issues.


> index.docbook:1523
> +     <para>Reconciliation is the process by which you ensure that all 
> operations in an account match the bank's view of that account. It will 
> involve you, your account's position, and a pen. Reconciliation can happen 
> only for an account at one point in time.</para>
> +     <para>First enter all the operations for the account up to that point 
> in time; if you can, download transactions from the bank and <link 
> linkend="import">import</link> them into &skrooge; to minimize data entry. 
> Then, in the Operations view, select the account you wish to reconcile from 
> the drop-down box; or in the Accounts view, double-click the account name or 
> bring up the contextual menu and choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Open 
> operations...</guimenu></menuchoice>. Switch into reconciliation mode using 
> the <guibutton>Switch Information button 
> <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="switch_information.png" 
> format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guibutton> below the 
> operations table.</para>

Missing comma: First -> First,

> index.docbook:1541
> -     <para>This may be useful when trying to spot operations you may have 
> forgot to enter in &skrooge;. When all relevant operations have been checked, 
> Delta is equal to 0, and the <guibutton>Validate checked operations button 
> <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="validate.png" 
> format="PNG" /></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guibutton> is activated. 
> Click on this button to validate the reconciliation: all checked operations 
> are now validated.</para>
> +     <para>These running totals help you spot operations you may have forgot 
> to enter in &skrooge;. Many bank statements provide similar totals such as 
> "Withdrawals" or "Deposits and Credits", although they may have separate 
> totals for "Interest", "Fees". When the Delta is equal to 0, you 
> <emphasis>may</emphasis> have pointed all operations matching the bank's 
> record. For example, you may have mistakenly pointed a debit of 8€ and a 
> credit of 2€, and overlooked a bank debit of 6€; the net is the same, minus 
> 6€. When the Delta is 0, the <guibutton>Validate pointed operations button 
> <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="validate.png" 
> format="PNG" /></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guibutton> is enabled. 
> Click on this button to complete your reconciliation: all pointed operations 
> are now checked.</para>

Typo: forgot -> forgotten

  R469 Skrooge


To: spage, #skrooge
Cc: yurchor, kde-doc-english, gennad, fbampaloukas, skadinna, scheirle, 

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