--- Comment #1 from Jack <> ---
I just ran into this again, and noticed something that might be relevant. 
Without the --stylesheet parameter, index.html produced by meinproc5 includes
the snippet <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="help:/kdoctools5-common/kde-default.css"> within the <header>.  (There
are also other, similar links to other css files.  Note (at least on my
systrem) that file is actually in /usr/share/help/en/kdoctools5-common. 
However, when using --stylesheet
/usr/share/kf5/kdoctools/customization/kde-web.xsl, that snippet becomes <link
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../common/kde-default.css">.  I have not
yet lookied into the meinproc5 source to see how it congures this path, but
that looks like it could be the reason no proper styling seems to be done at

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