On 12/22/23 18:53, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
El dijous, 21 de desembre de 2023, a les 19:54:54 (CET), Jack Ostroff va 
Good afternoon all,

While updating the KMyMoney handbook, there are several sections
written by a contributor who is deceased.  While I still want to give
him credit for the work, I'm wondering what to do with his email
address, which is obviously no longer valid.  Should I just replace the
address with "Deceased"?  Is there any policy or history of what to do

This also brought up a different question for me - in KMyMoney's
index.docbook there are a number of entities for authors with a comment
that they have been added to contributor.entities in svn.  I just
looked at contributor.entities in git, and I do not see all of these.
Might I be looking in the wrong place, or did the conversion from svn
to git (how long ago?) possibly not include all defined author
entities?  At worst, I suppose I can just add them now, and continue to
leave them in index until our minimum version required by KMyMoney is
sufficient to include  them.
Can you give a bit more of detail about which files and entities you mean?
These are all the entities for authors and author emails, used near the top of most sections of the Handbook.
Are you refering to
or some other file?
That appears to be what I'm referring to.
Which entities are missing?
I'll have to go through the list in KMyMoney's index.docbook, but it is several of the authors.  In particular, the notation is that the entities were added to contributors.entities as of some version, so once KMyMoney's minimum required version of kdelibs was up to a version including those additions, the entity definitions could be deleted from index.docbook.  It appears that those added while svn was our vcs are not present in the current version.  I'll put together a complete list.
Also if the entities are not shared between multiple files, I'm honestly not 
sure what's the benefit of adding them there compared to having them on the 
kmymomey docbook.
It is multiple files - but all are just various .docbook files which are part of the handbook, so just defining them in index.docbook does seem sufficient, especially as I believe those contributors are not currently active, and so are not going to be used in any new files.
Thanks for any thoughts.


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