On 2024.04.24 08:12, oui oui wrote:
Thank you for the very interesting manual.
I use Kubuntu installed minimal with kde-full without children stuff (was difficult as kdegames and kdeedu idiotic as MUST dependencies marked!). This
gives Konqueror as built in browser and is really right so.
You see probably that I am not English speaker. I did never learn somewhat more
in English as BASIC English from C. A. Ogden + Richards.
My first target contacting you:
For us (billions of not English speaking people) would be a good equipment with
spelling control important.
The Konqueror gives no information.
My second would be:
Kwrite is really a good toll for us also over the web with Konqueror, but F1 is
a deception ;-) (no manual for Kwrite)!
And the last page of the konqueror manual is not clear enough (also not in the official existing translation in my tongue, French) to arrive to open Kwrite in the second part of the Konqueror window (I suppose it is possible) and to use
there ...
... the spelling tools provided by Kwrite, what else!
If I can help ...
... let me know!
Kind regards


You might want to look at https://discuss.kde.org/c/local-communities/kde-en-francais/17 where you can post in French.

One thing I would say is that you should specify what versions of KDE (frameworks, plasma, and applications) you are using. You might also find a French language forum or mailing list for Kubuntu.


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