On Thursday, August 02, 2012 17:26:27 David Faure wrote:
> On Friday 27 July 2012 14:38:32 David Faure wrote:
> > Here's the moment you were all waiting for: I just added more very-easy
> > tasks at the top of
> > http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Epics/kdelibs_cleanups
> For the last two weeks, I've been the only committer to kdelibs frameworks
> (one week working, one week on "holidays", i.e. on my free time).
> No volunteer for any of the above tasks, for almost one week now.

Right, I already thought so, too...

> What can I do to make KDE Frameworks development more attractive?
> It used to be hard to build - that's fixed by the "Building" wiki page.
> It used to be hard to know how to contribute - that's fixed by the above
> wiki page, which has both "very easy" and "more interesting" tasks.
> (plus all the Qt-related tasks, which is even "more interesting")

Agreed, it's indeed not hard to get a working copy and start coding.

> Am I the only person in the world who cares about the KDE libraries?
> :(

I don't think so at all. Given these 30 people at Randa and 20 people at 
Akademy is kind of a proof that there are more.
(PS: We should have had the KF5 bof even a day earlier.)

Interestingly, there were some discussions about the vision of KDE recently, 
about more focus on the desktop, at the same time also focus on embedded 
devices. In my opinion, making KDE more modular is beneficial for both goals.
So for KDE, this should be high priority, and right in the center of this "KDE 
vision" thing. Maybe this is something for Randa again? And also something to 
communicate on the dot?

How did it work for KDE3 > KDE4 porting? Can the people that worked on it be 
activated again?

Further, it should be even sexy to work on kdelibs stuff, as you can learn a 
lot (get the most experienced c++ programming skill as newcomers). And there 
are tasks that are easy even for newcomers.

Where we certainly can improve is to blog about it, every week if needed.
Maybe also write small articles in magazines that this is just the right time 
to join...

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