I've been wondering the same.

Alex? Stephen?

On Tuesday 21 May 2013 14:56:29 Alex Merry wrote:
> I'm getting issues with building kdelibs-frameworks where I have either
> kdelibs4 installed in /usr or a sufficiently old version of
> kdelibs-frameworks installed somewhere referenced by LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
> The issue seems to be that executables built and used in the build
> process (like meinproc, but also tests when running "make test") find
> the installed version of various libraries (like libki18n) rather than
> the just-built versions.  The actual error messages I get are from the
> loader about unresolved symbols, like
> /home/kf5-devel/build/kdelibs-frameworks/bin/meinproc4: symbol lookup
> error: ./bin/meinproc4: undefined symbol:
> _ZN18QCommandLineOptionC1ERK11QStringListRK7QStringS5_bS2_
> I'm not entirely sure how this stuff is *supposed* to be handled by the
> buildsystem; with kdelibs4 it always just worked.
> I guess it may be partly a result of things being
> split-up-but-not-really in the current repo, so we have semi-independent
> build systems that are all run together.
> I know that the following makes the build work:
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/build/kdelibs-frameworks/lib:$HOME/build/kdelibs-frame
> works/staging/ki18n/src:$HOME/build/kdelibs-frameworks/libkdeqt5staging/src:
> Anyone any ideas?  Is there an easy way to fix this, or is this just
> something we'll have to put up with until the repo split?
> Alex
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David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5

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