On Friday 02 August 2013 19:15:50 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El Divendres, 2 d'agost de 2013, a les 07:55:52, Kevin Ottens va escriure:
> > Well, the default has to make sense to someone who just makes a Qt
> > application and use KConfig as an extra. If kconfig_compiler generates by
> > default something which doesn't build for them we're doing something
> > wrong.
> But as far as I remember we agreed we won't do the tr()->gettext(.mo) bridge
> either (since tr() code will just use .qm and i18n() code will just use
> .po) so if you default to tr() you break all the i18n() apps, no?

Apps which use both ki18n and kconfig shouldn't use the default but ask for 
i18n explicitely. It's really just about changing the default behavior to be 
ready for third parties who just pick one, but we still need to be able to 
override that for our own needs of course.
Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

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