On 24 October 2013 07:33, Kevin Ottens <er...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 October 2013 20:40:19 John Layt wrote:
>> * The obviously place to move it is k18n, as either part of
>> KLocalizedString or in a new KByteFormatter class?
> Hm, wouldn't that fit in KCoreAddons?

>> * No locale file overrides the default BinaryUnitDialect, so we only
>> have to worry about reading any user override from kglobals
> Or have that done by the caller (thinking about KCoreAddons there, it couldn't
> use KConfig for the default).

Well, that becomes the central question then, if we allow users to set
a global override or not?  I don't think its very useful to tell all
apps that they need to read the global config themselves to see how to
format the bytes, they would reasonably expect that that is what the
method is there to hide from them.  It would effectively become an
application-level setting depending on if the app decides to read the
config.  On the other hand, if Qt eventually gains support it can use
the setting from there.  If we're happy to ignore user settings for
now then KCoreAddons will be fine.

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