On 2013-11-01, Alexander Neundorf <neund...@kde.org> wrote:
> Anyway, attached is a quick experiment, which adds the 3 KDE*.cmake files=
>  from=20
> extra-cmake-modules/ to kf5umbrella/, by that turning it into tier0/, wit=
> h the=20
> optional ability (-DWITH_ECM) to download ECM and install ECM when buildi=
> ng=20
> and installing kf5umbrella itself.

gnuinstalldirs is in cmake. I'm sure that kdeinstalldirs can be in ecm
without anyone think it looks weird. I'm not sure what that extra module
buy us.

> find_package(KF5Umbrella)
> unconditionally loads KDECMakeSettings.cmake.

no extra unconditional magic please. Our files should be understandable.
I'm already lost 90% of the times I try to figure out how the cmake
stuff is fit together.

> In case we decide to go this way (i.e. the "my ideal view" plus optional=20
> downloading), and we should hear Stephens opinion on that, I volunteer to=
> maintain extra-cmake-modules, iff the three KDE*.cmake files are moved ou=
> t of=20
> ECM, and I'll move it to github, to make contributing by others easier.

I think you mean to make contributing harder.

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