On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 9:10 PM, Chusslove Illich <caslav.i...@gmx.net>wrote:

> >> [: Kevin Ottens :]
> >> Of course it should be removed when we get a proper fix via CMake 3
> >> around. But in the meantime it'll do the trick and allow removing
> >> dependencies on KDE4Support just for that.
> >
> > [: Aleix Pol :]
> > +1
> >
> > Then I suggest to let this go in:
> > https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/112785/diff/#index_header
> I don't see much point in that. To simply go on with the things, as I
> suggested, just replace every kde4_add_ui_files with qt5_wrap_ui. Later all
> these calls must be revisited anyway, to set translation domain and
> semantic
> markup flag. This holds either way; and with Stephen's solution, on
> revisiting only some new lines would be added, and qt5_wrap_ui calls left
> as
> they are.
> Alternatively, if one worries that with this things might be forgotten
> later
> (as Jeremy did originally), then just add KI18NMacros.cmake with a three-
> line ki18n_wrap_ui macro that passes the files to qt_wrap_ui.
> --
> Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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That's not true. If you use qt5_wrap_ui nothing compiles because most of
our code will expect KLocalizedString to be included. I don't think adding
the includes is a good fix.

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