broulik added a comment.

  In D26331#586783 <>, @count wrote:
  > I thought, the !d->isSlow() would skip that part for (fsType == 
KFileSystemType::Nfs || fsType == KFileSystemType::Smb) as seen in 
kfileitem.cpp:763. So I would leave that here.
  The is slow check itself blocks...
  > I could imagine setting up a computer for an inexperienced user
  Do you know anyone doing this? Oh if only we had some telemetry :)
  I doubt naming a folder "Technobabble" and then adding a helpful comment 
"This is where your cat pictures go" is very useful to the inexperienced user

  R241 KIO


To: count, broulik, #frameworks, #dolphin, dfaure, ngraham
Cc: ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns

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