dfaure marked 3 inline comments as done.
dfaure added inline comments.


> aacid wrote in kapplicationtrader.h:56
> why is it slow? Looking at the code we have to go trhough all apps anyway 
> since what we do is erase if returning false, so wouldn't returning true 
> actually be faster?

Excellent point.

This was a mental copy/paste from allServices() which basically tells people, 
instead of iterating over the full list of services, better try to use an 
existing "database index" like "query by servicetype" or "query by mimetype" or 
"query by name". Here's there's no choice (well, this is a query by servicetype 
"Application", at least it doesn't look at plugins).

I'll remove this.

  R309 KService


To: dfaure, broulik, mart, vkrause, nicolasfella, aacid, davidedmundson
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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