On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Nicolás Alvarez

> 2014-01-28 Martin Klapetek <martin.klape...@gmail.com>:
> > Hey,
> >
> > would it be possible to change the default reply-to address for this
> list?
> > It's quite annoying in less-advanced-than-kmail clients always pressing
> > "Reply" and getting only the sender instead of the whole list.
> >
> > There's a switch for that in mailman, lots of lists have the "reply-to"
> set
> > to the list address. Is there any reason why not for this list? And if
> not,
> > can we please change it? :)
> Whether or not to make reply-to point to the mailing list is a holy
> war as old as mailing lists themselves.
> See, for example: http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html

To be honest I stopped reading after the "Freedom of Choice"
paragraph...arguments as "Setting reply-to-list is arrogant, you should
allow me to decide exactly how I wish to respond to a message" are
just...just...strange, let's go with strange. Everytime you're replying to
a message it's still /you/ who decides exactly how will you respond to the
message :) Personally I see it just like the holy war over "GNU/Linux" or
"Linux" and similar (Gnome, hint hint).

Let's be pragmatic, how many times it happened to you that you actually
responded to the author alone while you actually intended to respond to the
list? It's just super annoying if you're communicating with lists like
plasma-devel which has reply-to-list and dozen more KDE MLs which also have
reply-to-list and then you're responding to k-f-devel and everytime it's
that "oh wait, I need to change the reply-to address".

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

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